by Hoola Managed IT | Mar 19, 2022 | Blog
Thanks to the fine folks at Palo Alto Networks we have a better view of the relative safety and security of network-capable medical devices. Unfortunately, the news is grim. Based on their findings after examining more than 200,000 infusion pumps, about half are...
by Hoola Managed IT | Mar 18, 2022 | Blog
It’s 2022 and after years of warning people repeatedly about the dangers of using the same old passwords and using the same password across multiple websites, you would think this would get better. You would think we’d have that problem solved and there...
by Hoola Managed IT | Mar 17, 2022 | Blog
Nvidia joined the seemingly unending parade of major corporations to fall victim of a hacking attack. Recently, a group of hackers calling itself “Lapsus$” began sharing details about the incident and the damage that it caused. Nvidia confirmed the...
by Hoola Managed IT | Mar 16, 2022 | Blog
We barely got to know Wi-Fi 6 but companies like Qualcomm are already making plans for the next generation of Wi-Fi technology. They are working on Wi-Fi 7 which is otherwise known as 802.11. Granted, the new standard is a long way from being ready to roll out, so...
by Hoola Managed IT | Mar 15, 2022 | Blog
If you have smart devices in the Android ecosystem, there’s a new threat to be aware of in the form of a malware strain called Teabot. This bit of malicious code is a Remote Access Trojan or RAT for short. The group behind the code is making a big push to see...