Beware of DDoS Attacks

Beware of DDoS Attacks

One type of cybercrime that’s becoming a more significant problem in today’s digital age is distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. What makes these attacks so dangerous, and how can you stay safe? This guide uncovers what you need to know about DDoS attacks. ...
Microsoft Fixes Excel Data Bug

Microsoft Fixes Excel Data Bug

Countless businesses use Microsoft Excel to track and sort data, but a long-running bug has been a source of frustration among users. It is no longer an issue, thanks to a new update from Microsoft. This guide will explain the problem and what changes are now in...
How Secure Access Can Help Your Remote Workers

How Secure Access Can Help Your Remote Workers

Companies have seen the benefits of remote work and how it can facilitate employees’ well-being while supporting business operations. While remote work has its perks, companies must consider a significant concern: cyber security. Allowing employees to work with...
Benefits of Biometric Authentication

Benefits of Biometric Authentication

In our digital world, we have multiple devices and accounts to our name. This increases the risk of breaches and gives malicious actors access to sensitive information and account credentials. Biometric authentication revolutionizes how we verify ourselves when...