The Role of Firewalls in Securing Networks

The Role of Firewalls in Securing Networks

When securing your computer network, firewalls play a crucial role. But what exactly is it? How does it keep your network safe? And how can your business use firewalls most effectively? What Is a Firewall? A firewall is a tool for network security that looks at all...

What’s New in Firefox Version 116?

What’s New in Firefox Version 116?

Firefox introduced version 116.0 to its Release channel users on August 1, 2023. This update brings a range of features designed to improve the browsing experience. Browsing Updates If you own a business, efficient web browsing is essential. Firefox 116 enhances this...

Upgrade Your Calls: The Benefits of VoIP for Business

Upgrade Your Calls: The Benefits of VoIP for Business

Technology is changing how businesses communicate. One technology you need to know about is VoIP, short for Voice over Internet Protocol. It’s a different way of making phone calls and becoming popular among small businesses. Research shows more than one-third of all...

The Ultimate Guide to Everything New in iOS 16.6

The Ultimate Guide to Everything New in iOS 16.6

The Apple iOS 16.6 update released has new features and important security fixes. If you’re a business owner using Apple devices, it’s vital to understand these changes and their potential impact. Why Upgrade to iOS 16.6 iOS 16.6 tackles two zero-day security...

Tech-Related Risks Businesses Need to Consider

Tech-Related Risks Businesses Need to Consider

As businesses use digital solutions, business owners and CEOs need to be aware of the possible risks of the tech they've chosen. Even though many solutions have good security features to protect their customers, you should still look at specific risks and how likely...

Ways Technology Boosts Productivity in Your Workplace

Ways Technology Boosts Productivity in Your Workplace

Technology has become the engine that drives businesses forward. It makes your team work faster and more efficiently, improving productivity. When productivity goes up, so do profits. Let’s look at some ways in which technology raises productivity. Tech Tools That...

Understanding Microsoft Phishing Attacks: How to Protect Yourself

Understanding Microsoft Phishing Attacks: How to Protect Yourself

Microsoft is now the go-to disguise for cybercriminals launching phishing attacks. But a closer look can save you and your business from falling prey. It’s all about slowing down, observing, and analyzing. The Rising Phishing Tide The latest data from Check Point’s...